
Contraband Camps: 

Paving the Road to Freedom for 400-500,000 Self-Emancipated Black People During the Civil War

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presented to the 
Civil War Round Table of the Disctrict of Columbia
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022

About the Topic:

Dr. Watts discusses the relationships between the massive number of escapes from slavery to the emerging democracy in the United States. He covers: (1) the four basic periods of Black escapes (the American Revolution, the Second Middle Passage, the Underground Railroad, and the Contraband Camps); (2) the Black escapes that spearheaded the abolitionist movement; (3) the creation of free states; and (4) the election of Lincoln, which facilitated action by abolitionists.  

In particular, Dr. Watts covers how the hundreds of thousands of self-emancipated Black people paved the way for freedom in the United States.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Daud Watts is a specialist in both African and African American history. He earned his Ph.D. in African American Studies from Temple University in 2011, his M.A. from Indiana University in 2000, and his B.A. from Trinity College (CT) in 1972. He has also studied at the University of Ghana and Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone. 

Dr. Watts taught and produced films for the DC Public Schools, authored materials in the African American History course mandated in the Philadelphia School system, and taught summer courses at the Smithsonian. He most recently taught at Dillard University in New Orleans before the covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Watts published The 100,000 Horseman of West Africa and is working on another publication about the Contraband Camps.  100,000 Horsemen is available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Horsemen-Africa-Positive-Image-Education/dp/0942843010/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1E6M1TWAMBDCA&keywords=%22daud+watts%22&qid=1665582004&sprefix=daud+watts+%2Caps%2C64&sr=8-1

Dr. Watts is also a photographer and musician. He has five children, ten grandchildren, and two great grandsons.

Contact: dmwatts@temple.edu or daudwatts@outlook.com

Patreon Site: https://www.patreon.com/drdaudwatts


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