
Summary of Presentation:
To set the stage for the Round Table’s study this year of the Civil War during the period from the Fall of 1862 to the Summer of 1863, Dr. Benjamin Franklin (Frank) Cooling interprets and analyzes t
he game-changers at home and abroad in the nature of the war: the rise of partisans, the occupation of certain key geography, and various political and economic factors, including the introduction of preliminary emancipation.  Presented on September 11, 2012.

Dr. Cooling is a highly regarded historian who currently serves as a Professor of National Security Studies at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, in Washington, D.C. Earlier assignments in his distinguished career included Assistant Director for Historic Services, U S Army Military History Research Institute, Carlisle Barracks, PA, and Chief of the Special Histories Branch, Office of the Chief of Air Force in Washington, DC and Chief Historian, Department of Energy.

For additional information about the presentation, download CWRTDC's September 2012 newsletter available at www.cwrtdc-newsletters.blogspot.com/    For information about the Round Table and to apply for membership, visit http://www.cwrtdc.org/